Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bella is still stumped

For Sharon who asked about working on the marks for go-outs. Here is Bella working on the mark, first very close - I give the signal and click her for looking at the pole. Then move a step back. Then a bit farther. Then I make a big jump to the far end of the ring to see if she can mark from way back there. And nope, of course not! I was lumping. But I do want her to start to put the two together.

Then I did a go-out on a short length of the ring. I read somewhere that your dog understands go-outs when you can do go-outs to all 4 sides, so we're starting to work on all 4 sides. And. . . it's obvious that she thinks a go-out is to a specific pole, not across the ring. I didn't film that side, but I did the next side - another short length. Then she thinks she'll just head to the chair with her dinner on it. She'd rather have dinner than do go-outs after all! And this video shows that not all our training sessions are wonderful. Some have more wrong than right!

And for a gratuitous Zane sighting, look at him go on 8 poles! I didn't think he was going to collect for that entrance, but he did. Good boy!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Stumping Bella

I finally stumped Bella this evening. . . but only for a few minutes.

The other day, I realized that all of her go-outs have been to the same end of our practice ring (when practicing at home - she does them in other places too). So we turned around and went to the other end. That was hard because first she went to a platform, so I moved it. Then she went to a cone that was nearby (trained behavior for the Advanced Teamwork class), so I moved that. Then she finally headed to the post.

Tonight she did go-outs to both ends of the rings, then I moved the jumps out, went to one of the sides of the ring and sent her to the other side (running the short length). What did she do? She turned and went to the post she had last gone to instead of the one across the ring.

I realized I need to make her mark before the go-outs stronger. So we went to each post, stood about 4 feet from it, I marked it, and clicked when she locked on it. I gradually add more distance, then I'll feel better. I want her to mark and see where she's heading before I send her, instead of leaving me then figuring out where to go.

Zane is doing beginning go-outs. He's going a little farther than half the ring, but we build up to that each time.

And Zane's weaves are looking good! He's driving through, nice footwork, and he gets those entrances!


This weekend, Zane and I went to a Freestyle seminar in Tucson.

Friday night at the hotel, Zane was a bit freaked. He's actually been at this hotel before (but didn't spend the night there) for a dog show. This hotel is a series of buildings with wonderful courtyards in between. We were outside that evening and he was freaking about everything: people, birds, trains. . . it was all a bit much for the country dog gone to the big city. We played a lot of "look at that".

The next day was was the first day of the workshop. There's Zane working in a room with a ton of other dogs out - all working at the same time and at times pretty darn close. He settled right in and did it! He had to look around a bit, but his focus was pretty good and he did everything I asked.

Throughout the weekend he had dogs all around him. He made some new friends, let other dogs sniff him, talked to other people. . . what a great growing up experience for him.

The seminar was put on by Judy Gamet of Dogs Can Dance. What an exciting seminar! And the truth is, this seminar wasn't just about Freestyle. There were things to bring into obedience and rally and conformation and just about anything we do with our dogs. What a wealth of information.

One interesting thing that happened. Judy shows us that our dogs chose the right music - it's not just about matching the dog's footsteps to the music. The dogs will show you if they like a piece of music or not. On Sunday, Zane and I were out on the floor with the James Bond theme playing. He was wild - leaping and bouncing and getting mouthy. He was horrible! Then Judy changed the music to Mission Impossible and he immediately settled down, got into heel position and strutted around the room. What a difference just with a music change!

I never, ever thought I'd have anything to contribute at this seminar (I don't do freestyle after all!), but a couple of times I was able to help people. I was trying to explain to one woman how to move differently for her dog, but I couldn't get across what I meant. The next time I had a run through, she said, "I get it! Your lower body is moving, but your upper body is very still except for your cues." Her next run was gorgeous. Her body was so smooth and easy - she'd start to go to her old style of moving and catch herself and get beautiful again. I think the still upper body must come from obedience, because I sure don't realize I'm doing it!

Towards the end of the workshop, I was in a group with her, and we were going one by one, moving with the music, and watching the dog so we could tell the handler what the dog liked and didn't like. For the spins, we told her to slow down, use big sweeping hand motions, and wait for her dog. All of a sudden, you could see the teamwork happen. She and her dog (a Berner) were so graceful and wonderful. She told us that she kept trying to make the dog spin faster like a Border Collie. But her dog is NOT a BC and had such elegance and beauty when allowed to move like she's supposed to. What a light bulb moment for that team.

The funniest moment in the seminar was after Judy had already told us to limit a move to 3 times in a row. Never do it more than three times. One woman was doing a grapevine into a weave, then a grapevine the other way to a weave. She did it three times, and went for a fourth. As her dog started to go under her for the weave, he reached up and bit her in the crotch. "We don't do it more than 3 times. Now learn that lesson!" She sure learned it well! The dogs will find ways to tell us if we don't listen.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Must Catch Up

I must try to catch up on the blog! It won't happen tonight. . . but I did want to share a couple of things.

Zane worked through the 2x2 weave system and was doing 6 poles. But I wanted better footwork and speed, so I've switched him to offset poles. They're only offset 1 inch off center, but they are my only set of 24" poles, so we'll work these and then close them up again.

I've also added a jump at the beginning and end. I work on following him through the poles, being in front of him, calling him through , and rear crossing. Occasionally I front cross the poles.

I'm trying to decide if Zane is going to enter an upcoming ARF course at a CWAGS trial. Just in case, he's practicing his freestyle foursome. In the class, the dogs have to perform a 4 part freestyle chain of our choice. So here's what we have right now:

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Scent Work

Along with nosework, Bella is working on scent articles. Because I want her ready for Advanced Teamwork if it's ever offered, I have some sets of "unusual" scent articles. She worked our fruit/veggie basket, our baby/toy basket, and traditional articles today.